This one summer

I read half of the story of This one summer. It is a great story! Although it is an English comic, I feel like reading a novel half of the times. The reading experience is fun, time pass it so fast while I was reading. There are not much “big” things happen in so far. However, I feel the life and the characters are really alive. The author did a great job of building characters, each of them is so real to me. I think it is because of how do they react to each other and how to do the talking. Also, I like to read about what the main character is thinking.
The story itself is soft and comfortable. Through a summer trip to see a teenager girl growing up. As a girl perspective story, it is so interesting for a boy like me to read. Boy and girls are really two different species, I see so many differences in between. How does she react to the world, how does girl thinking in this age, how does she react to her family and friends? It is all fun and different. I feel like only a girl writer can really write out a realistic girl perspective story. If it is from a man’s hand, then it would be more like a fantasy.
The art of the comic is also great. Every page is like an illustration. The image move sloe along with the storytelling. It stays on the faces of character and the body moment, so as an audience I feel like standing aside watching the story happen. The experience is great!
This is a story I really would want to finish it when I have time and also it brings me a new category of reading. I would like to read more story from girls perspective and stories between girls. I feel this kind of story is softer then story between men. It brings me the feeling of sweet and peaceful while reading it!