Osamu Tezuka, God of manga
Osamu Tezuka is one of my favorite manga artists. Although he might be in the earliest era of manga history, to read his work today it is still fascinating. When I was a child, I had read through all of the series of Black Jack. It is also my childhood nightmare. Many of the series of the story was so terrifying to me that I am afraid to go to bed. However, it didn’t stop me reading it. The story itself is short but intriguing. The information of medical also brings me a lot of knowledge. When I was a bit older and reread some of the stories, I felt like there is much deeper information behind the series.
There is one story talking about the doctor save a death row. In the beginning, he refuses to gets save. He thinks he is going to die anyway why bother to save him now. Dr, Black Jack doesn’t care and save his life. After, bringing him back alive once, he changes his mind. The desire of surviving is back into his mind. However, in the end, he still got killed by the law. Dr, Balck Jack feel so sad but there is not much he can do. I didn’t get the story when I was young, however, this story is always in my mind. The idea of desire to survive is so strong and interesting. Every time I rethink it, I feel the story a bit more. There is another story that I love. There is another doctor who believing euthanasia, he is always against Black Jack. But, when his sister got sick, he begs Black Jack to save her life. This story really made me rethink the idea of euthanasia again and again.
I also like Osamu Tezuka ’s other series, Buddha. Buddhism is already part of the culture in Asia, however, the knowledge of Buddism is unbelievable low. Most people don’t actually know the story and history of Buddhism. Osamu Tezuka brings the story of Buddha, it brings the religion and story together, into a legendary adventure. It is so interesting while reading it and also gets to know the culture a little bit better.
Osamu Tezuka as the god of Manga really is one of the most important artists in the modern culture. I feel so many of his work is interesting and combined with meaning. He likes to put the idea of anti-war, philosophy, love, and environmental issue in his work. Teach people with a story and let the audience get the idea by ourselves. It is a lesson every once I read his work. A master of manga without a doubt.
